Liturgical Groups

We are reminded often that the root meaning of the word “liturgy” is the work of the people. All who come to worship have a participatory role in the worship of God, whether one is sitting in the pew or up front. As someone once said, there are no spectators. There are, however, some particular roles to assist in the offering we make to God each week. If you feel yourself drawn to one of the ministries listed below, please call the Church Office.

  • Acolytes (Youth)

    Are you a youth looking for a place to be more active in church, with a curiosity for liturgical things? Are you wanting to take on more responsibility as a servant leader? Acolytes assist in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying torches in the procession, and assisting the deacon or priest in the preparation of the altar for communion. Learn more about our Acolyte Corps by clicking here Tim Hyland is the Ministry Leader of the Acolytes. 


  • Altar Guild

    This group is organized for the purpose of preparing the altar for worship at all services. The work of the Altar Guild includes preparing the sacramental elements and vessels for use at the altar during services, cleaning up after the services, the general care and maintenance of the altar linens, vestments, and other sacred furnishings.  Jacque Griffith is the current Altar Guild Directress.   

  • Eucharistic Ministers

    Do you feel called into the mystery of the Holy Eucharist? Do you feel drawn to be that person who offers the Holy sacraments to those seeking a deeper communion with Christ? Chalice bearers administer the chalice at the Eucharist.  Don Peters is the Ministry Leader of the Eucharistic Ministers. 

  • Lectors & Intercessors

    Do you have a deep desire to read and understand scripture? Are you willing to commit to instruction and practice on the spoken word? The lector reads the scripture lessons to the congregation at services.

    Do you feel called to intercessory prayer in your daily prayer life? Are you active and diligent in your prayer life? The intercessor reads the Prayers of the People in the Sunday 9 and 11am services.

    Bill Verdini is the Ministry Leader of the Lectors and Intercessors. 

  • Vergers

    Do you have organizational skills that you want to offer to the glory of God in worship? Are you willing to take a servant’s role in the liturgy, diligently attending to details so that others can lead? Vergers act as masters of ceremony at both the Sunday 9am and 11am services by organizing the altar party and the various movements of the liturgy.  Tim Hyland is the Head Verger.

  • The Ministry Scheduler

    Access our online scheduling tool by clicking on the picture to the left.